
12 May 2012

Mild Steel Electrode


Curent Range
Typical All weld Metal analysis (%)
Typical Application and characteristic

AWS/SFA5,1 E 6013
BS : E 4322R21
DIN : E 4322R322

Ø 2,50 / 350 mm

60 – 90
C      0.06 -0.11
Mn  0.40- 0.65
Si     0.25 – 0.57
S      0.03 max
P      0.03 max

Amedium- heavy coated all position electrode for major structural where finish of importance, the electrode produces a smooth, clean deposit with very little spatter loss and the slag is easy to remove, Easy to operate in all positions and the best suited for vertical upward and overhead welding.  Ideal for radiographic quality. Lower gauges excellent for sheet metal work.
Welding current : AC/DC-
Ø 3,20 / 350 mm
100 – 140
Ø 4,00 / 400 mm
140 – 180
Ø 5,00 / 400 mm

180 – 220

AWS/SFA 5.1 E 7024
BS E 51, 22R14032
DIN E 5122RR1135140

Ø 2,50 / 350 mm

80 – 120

C      0.06 -0.10
Mn  0.40- 0.75
Si     0.14 – 0.135
S      0.03 max
P      0.03 max

A super heavy coated iron powder “touch- welding” electrode with outstanding deposition rate for downhand butt and fillet welds and horizontal welds. The electrode very high easy current can be used to increases welding output and has a deposition efficiency of approximately 140%.
Welding current : AC/DC (-)

Ø 3,20 / 350 mm
150 – 170
Ø 4,00 / 400 mm
200 – 240
Ø 5,00 / 400 mm

250 – 290